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  • kperfe2

April-May 2024

We love celebrating lab birthdays with a slice of cake! Help us wish 3 of our members a happy birthday.

♪ (。´_●`)ノ┌iiii┐ヾ(´○_`*) ♪(*・ω・)ノ”┌iii┐♡♪o~( ´∀`)っ┌iii┐(•̀3•́)┌iii┐* ℋᵅᵖᵖᵞℬⁱʳᵗᑋᵈᵃᵞ *

Happy Birthday Kanchan! - April 30th

Happy Birthday Judith! - May 8th

Happy Birthday Olivia! - May 30th

♪ (。´_●`)ノ┌iiii┐ヾ(´○_`*) ♪(*・ω・)ノ”┌iii┐♡♪o~( ´∀`)っ┌iii┐(•̀3•́)┌iii┐* ℋᵅᵖᵖᵞℬⁱʳᵗᑋᵈᵃᵞ *

Let them eat cake!

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